Heidi H. Harralson MA, BCDE, Dipl.
Heidi Harralson is the managing partner of Spectrum Forensic International, LLC, a full-time handwriting and document examination practitioner. She is a court-qualified and board-certified forensic document examiner. Ms. Harralson has lectured extensively to professional organizations and universities on handwriting sciences. She has published original research in peer-reviewed journals on forensic handwriting and document examination topics. Her publications include Huber & Headrick’s Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals, Developments in Handwriting and Signature Identification in the Digital Age, and Forensic Handwriting Examination of Motor Disorders & Forgery. She has been consulted by attorneys and public and private clients internationally. She is a board-certified document examiner and diplomate through the National Association of Document Examiners. She holds a Bachelor of Science in the behavioral sciences, a Master of Arts in handwriting science and forensic document examination, and a forensic crime scene technician certificate. She is an affiliate professor at East Tennessee State University where she teaches forensic science courses.
Email: Heidi Harralson

Larry S. Miller PhD, BCDE
Dr. Larry Miller is a court-qualified, board-certified forensic document examiner for Spectrum Forensic International, LLC and the East Tennessee State University Crime Lab. Dr. Miller is a professor at the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). He received his Bachelor of Science from ETSU in 1974, a Master of Science from Eastern Kentucky University in 1977, and his Ph.D. in Health & Safety with collaterals in Forensic Anthropology and Criminology from the University of Tennessee in 1981. Dr. Miller has been with ETSU since 1984 and normally teaches courses in the area of law enforcement. He has worked as a police officer, criminal investigator, and crime laboratory director. He has worked in crime scene investigation, fingerprint examination, document examination, and surveillance photography. Dr. Miller’s primary research interests are in police studies and forensic science, and he serves as a member of the board of the National Forensic Academy. He has authored or co-authored several textbooks and numerous articles in criminal justice publications.
Email: Larry Miller
Research & Development
Spectrum Forensic International LLC consultants are dedicated to research and development in the forensic sciences.
Listed below are citations and abstracts of some of the original research projects in which we have been involved.
Florence, D. C., Harralson, H. H., & Barabe, J. G. (2005-2006). An introduction to gel inks: History and analysis. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 17, 33-64.
Spectrum Forensic consultants have authored or co-authored the following books and articles:
New Publication
Huber & Headrick's Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals, Second Edition
by Heidi H. Harralson and Larry S. Miller
Publication Date: 2018, CRC Press

Developments in Handwriting and Signature Identification in the Digital Age
by Heidi H. Harralson
Editor: Larry S. Miller

Crime Scene Investigation, Third Edition
by Jacqueline T. Fish, Larry S. Miller, Michael C. Braswell, Edward W. Wallace, Jr.
Chapter 11: Documentary Evidence by Heidi H. Harralson and Larry S. Miller

Police Photography, Seventh Edition
by Larry S. Miller, Norman Marin